koompi / kosmos



KramaOS experiment for KOOMPI community users. Those who have old laptop and lower specs hardware. We name our official OS that will run on KOOMPI hardware, KOSMOS.

Our OS v1 is store on Gdrive at the moment due to Github's limited amount of storage. Follow this link



The v1 is based on Ubuntu Server with user interface customized of Budgie desktop and Brisk Menu. The LiveUSB 

passwd: 123.


From here forward, our live image will store here repo repo.kramaos.org/iso. The new version will be based on Archlinux with KOOMPI-KDE flavor.

Repo Roadmap

Currently, we are hosting our repo in Cambodia. Supported by Sabay (sabay.com), mirrored directly from Arch repo.

In the future, KOSMOS/KramaOS repo will be structured to have a clearner repos to avoid breaking package with Arch bleeding edge rolling release for general users.

> Arch official repo 
> KOSMOS Unstable repo 
> KOSMOS Testing brances by our team and developers community 
> KOSMOS Stable for general users which will be hosted in varias
 location and sync to our stable brance in Cambodia/Singapore.

KOSMOS piggybacks ride on many open sources work. Without the open source community we wouldn't be able to do what we do today. Again, it's just the begining of our journey, yet. Greater adventure is await.

Learn more


Learn more about our work go to kramaos.org and koompi.com or Join our telegram community via t.me/kramaos


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